Rolling Releaf: Introducing Our Brand

Sep 17, 2021

As we glide closer to our launch in 2022, our team here at Rolling Releaf is proud to finally be able to offer our adult-use marijuana delivery services to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Proudly a social equity-certified, black-owned company, we’re thrilled to be on the forefront of cannabis delivery within the state – partnering with the best producers/farmers and bringing much needed ‘releaf’ to our customers. 

You may be asking, “What is Rolling Releaf?” – The purpose of this blog is to introduce you to our brand and our founders, while outlining our mission & vision for the future. 

What is Rolling Releaf?

We aim to offer the best of what is available in the Massachusetts adult-use market (cannabis flower, concentrates, edibles, etc.) by partnering with industry leaders and equitable businesses –  and safely/conveniently delivering the product straight to consumers. 

Rolling Releaf: Meet our Founders

Rolling Releaf was founded by two longtime friends, Bryce Hall & Devin Alexander, who discovered that they shared a common love of cannabis while also wanting to make a difference in the community. They knew that the legal cannabis market was missing something major — inclusivity — and so, the idea for Rolling Releaf was born!

About our Mission & Vision

Our founders worked ceaselessly in order to get through Massachusetts’ social equity program, while also campaigning to ensure the addition of cannabis delivery into the language of proposed regulations. 

Our Mission:

Bringing only the highest-quality cannabis products to the consumer — by purchasing directly from the best producers and farmers in Massachusetts — and delivering them directly to their door.

Our Vision: 

Combining the heart and passion of the legacy market with our ability to offer safe, fast and affordable delivery, our vision is to be a leader for social equity inclusivity while also building and maintaining a reputation for the highest standards.


Who are Rolling Releaf’s Targeted Consumers? 

Rolling Releaf’s targeted audience are people who are looking for alternative cannabis-based wellness, but aren’t really interested in having to jump through hoops to obtain it. They’re folks who value convenience and peace of mind (like stay-at-home moms with limited ability to leave their home), and in general have a love for family, community, self-care and adventure. 


Our Rolling Releaf team can’t wait to share our services with you all, so be sure to connect with us on IG to find out the latest about our company and Masscahusetts’ cannabis industry buzz, news & events!