SKU: R62DPRO2 Categories: , , Tags: ,

Lemon Headz OG | Vape Cart | 1g

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SKU: R62DPRO2 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Special Offer
5 1g Vapes for $110
*Prices will not be reflected on the website but will be adjusted at time of pick up.

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Strain Type

Lemon Headz OG strain offers consumers a clean, zestful lemon flavor coupled with a lung-expanding mint/eucalyptus. As with many OG strains, euphoria takes the lead, elevating the consumer’s mood and provoking both smiles and laughter. The effects remain peppy as they transition into the body, leaving a warm and fuzzy sensation without being overly stimulating.

CBN 1.47%
CBD 0.776%
THC 82.2%


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