SKU: R356PRO1 Categories: , Tag:

91 Octane

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SKU: R356PRO1 Categories: , Tag:



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91 Octane is a rare new Indica dominant strain that was born from a cross of Biscotti and Scotty 2 Hotty.

Flavor Profile
91 Octane is a great choice for those looking for a sweet, yet pungent and gassy flavor profile.

Top Terpenes
Limonene, Caryophyllene, Linalool


Consumers report that 91 Octane will have a laziness start to wash over you a few minutes after your final toke, creeping up and suddenly taking completely over. As your body settles, your mind will lift with a subtle stimulating tingle, leaving you happy and totally relaxed. These effects give High Octane OG a potential to help those suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, muscle spasms or cramps and appetite loss or nausea.

THCA 31.23%
CBDA 0.08%
CBD 0.07%
THC 27.73%


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